Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mengenal Komunikasi Serat Optik

Media komunikasi digital pada dasarnya hanya ada tiga, tembaga, udara dan kaca. Tembaga kita kenal sebagai media komunikasi sejak lama, telah berevolusi dari hanya penghantar listrik menjadi penghantar elektromagnetik yang membawa pesan, suara, gambar dan data digital. Berkembangnya teknologi frekuensi radio menambah alternatif lain media komunikasi, kita sebut nirkabel atau wireless, sebuah komunikasi dengan udara sebagai penghantar. Tahun 1980-an kita mulai mengenal media komunikasi yang lain yang sekarang menjadi tulang punggung komunikasi dunia, yaitu serat optik, sebuah media yang memanfaatkan pulsa cahaya dalam sebuah ruang kaca berbentuk kabel, total internal reflection.

Sebuah kabel serat optik dibuat sekecil-kecilnya (mikroskopis) agar tak mudah patah/retak, tentunya dengan perlindungan khusus sehingga besaran wujud kabel akhirnya tetap mudah dipasang. Satu kabel serat optik disebut sebagai core. Untuk satu sambungan/link komunikasi serat optik dibutuhkan dua core, satu sebagai transmitter dan satu lagi sebagai receiver. Variasi kabel yang dijual sangat beragam sesuai kebutuhan, ada kabel 4 core, 6 core, 8 core, 12 core, 16 core, 24 core, 36 core hingga 48 core. Satu core serat optik yang terlihat oleh mata kita adalah masih berupa lapisan pelindungnya (coated), sedangkan kacanya sendiri yang menjadi inti transmisi data berukuran mikroskopis, tak terlihat oleh mata.

Bentuk kabel dikenal dua macam, kabel udara (KU) dan kabel tanah (KT). Kabel udara diperkuat oleh kabel baja untuk keperluan penarikan kabel di atas tiang. Baik KU maupun KT pada lapisan intinya paling tengah diperkuat oleh kabel khusus untuk menahan kabel tidak mudah bengkok (biasanya serat plastik yang keras). Di sekeliling inti tersebut dipasang beberapa selubung yang isinya adalah core serat optik, dilapisi gel (katanya berfungsi juga sebagai racun tikus) dan serat nilon, dibungkus lagi dengan bahan metal tipis hingga ke lapisan terluar kabel berupa plastik tebal. Dari berbagai jenis jumlah core, besaran wujud akhir kabel tidaklah terlalu signifikan ukuran diameternya.

Memotong kabel serat optik sangat mudah, cukup menggunakan gergaji kecil. Sering terjadi maling-maling tembaga salah mencuri, niatnya mencuri kabel tembaga yang laku di pasar besi/loak malah menggergaji kabel serat optik. Yang sulit adalah mengupasnya, namun hal ini dipermudah dengan pabrikan kabel menyertakan serat nilon khusus di bawah lapisan terluar yang keras sehingga cukup dikupas sedikit dan nilon tersebut berfungsi membelah lapisan terluar hingga panjang yang diinginkan untuk dikupas.

Untuk apa dikupas? Tentunya untuk keperluan penyambungan atau terminasi. Kita lihat dulu bagaimana pulsa cahaya bekerja di dalam serat kaca yang sangat sempit ini. Kabel serat optik yang paling umum dikenal dua macam, multi-mode dan single-mode. Transmitter cahaya berupa Light Emitting Diode (LED) atau Injection Laser Diode (ILD) menembakkan pulsa cahaya ke dalam kabel serat optik. Dalam kabel multi-mode pulsa cahaya selain lurus searah panjang kabel juga berpantulan ke dinding core hingga sampai ke tujuan, sisi receiver. Pada kabel single-mode pulsa cahaya ditembakkan hanya lurus searah panjang kabel. Kabel single-mode memberi kelebihan kapasitas bandwidth dan jarak yang lebih tinggi, hingga puluhan kilometer dengan skala bandwidth gigabit.

Inti kaca kabel single-mode umumnya berdiameter 8,3-10 mikron (jauh lebih kecil dari diameter rambut), dan pada multi-mode berukuran 50-100 mikron. Pulsa cahaya yang ditembakkan pada single mode adalah cahaya dengan panjang gelombang 1310-1550nm, sedangkan pada multi-mode adalah 850-1300nm.

Ujung kabel serat optik berakhir di sebuah terminasi, untuk hal tersebut dibutuhkan penyambungan kabel serat optik dengan pigtail serat optik di Optical Termination Board (OTB), bisa wallmount atau 1U rackmount. Dari OTB kabel serat optik tinggal disambung dengan patchcord serat optik ke perangkat multiplexer, switch atau bridge (converter to ethernet UTP).

Penyambungan kabel serat optik disebut sebagai splicing. Splicing menggunakan alat khusus yang memadukan dua ujung kabel seukuran rambut secara presisi, dibakar pada suhu tertentu sehingga kaca meleleh tersambung tanpa bagian coated-nya ikut meleleh. Setelah tersambung, bagian sambungan ditutup dengan selubung yang dipanaskan. Alat ini mudah dioperasikan, namun sangat mahal harganya. Inilah sebabnya meskipun harga kabel fiber optik sudah jauh lebih murah namun alat dan biaya lainnya masih mahal, terutama pada biaya pemasangan kabel, splicing dan terminasinya.

Pigtail yang disambungkan ke kabel optik bisa bermacam-macam konektornya, yang paling umum adalah konektor FC. Dari konektor FC di OTB ini kita tinggal menggunakan patchcord yang sesuai untuk disambungkan ke perangkat. Umumnya perangkat optik seperti switch atau bridge menggunakan konektor SC atau LC. Cukup menyulitkan ketika menyebut jenis konektor yang kita kehendaki kepada penjual, FC, SC, ST, atau LC.

Setelah kabel optik terpasang di OTB dilakukan pengujian end-to-end dengan menggunakan Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR). Dengan OTDR akan didapatkan kualitas kabel, seberapa besar loss cahaya dan berapa panjang kabel totalnya. Harga perangkat OTDR ini sangat mahal, meskipun pengoperasiannya relatif mudah. OTDR ini digunakan pula pada saat terjadi gangguan putusnya kabel laut atau terestrial antar kota, sehingga bisa ditentukan di titik mana kabel harus diperbaiki dan disambung kembali.

Untuk keperluan sederhana misalnya sambungan fiber optik antar gedung pada jarak ratusan meter (hingga 15km) kini teknologi bridge/converter-nya sudah semakin murah dengan kapasitas 100Mbps, sedangkan untuk full gigabit harga switch/module-switch-nya masih mahal. Jadi, meskipun harga kabel serat optik sudah di kisaran Rp10.000/m namun total pemasangannya membengkak karena ada biaya SDM yang menarik dan memasang kabel, biaya splicing setiap core-nya, pemasangan OTB, pengujian OTDR, penyediaan patchcord dan perangkat optiknya sendiri (switch/bridge).

Sunday, October 4, 2009

In West Sumatra aftershocks was 582 times

The number of large aftershocks pascagempa magnitude of 7.6 on the Richter Scale occurred on Wednesday (30 / 9) in West Sumatra (West Sumatra), until Monday morning has happened 582 times. 

"Aftershocks continue to occur. But smaller," said Head of Climatology Meteorology and Geophysics (BMKG) Padangpanjang, Taufik Gunawan, Monday. 

Asked about the issue of larger earthquakes, he said, must be understood that the province of West Sumatra in the Sumatra fault and the fault lines of Indo-Australian who is on the west coast. 

Therefore, in this region is potentially a large earthquake, he said. 

Regarding the big earthquake, he added, can not be predicted because of the earthquake cycle is not regular. But the important people to stay always alert. 

"Because living in earthquake-prone region, we must understand the procedures for mitigation," he said. 

He reminded the people in this area not to panic when an earthquake happens. 

"People have to understand to what happens during an earthquake. For example, if in the room, try to be in the corner of the room. Protect your head from crumbling buildings," said Taufik warned. 

Regarding the 200-year cycle of earthquakes, he said, that issue could actually be an attempt to mitigate. 

"But clearly the earthquake cycle is irregular, can be fast, can be slow. In conclusion, not predictable," he said. (*)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Issues: `Seeking clarification on Pendet with KL'

The Indonesian government has said it will verify whether the Malaysian government intended to claim the Pendet dance as its own when it decided to use the popular Balinese dance in its latest tourism campaign. Minister for Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik asserted there was no reason for Malaysia to exploit the Pendet dance for any purpose without getting a permit from the Indonesian government. "I will talk directly with the Malaysian culture minister on Monday to determine the motive behind using the Pendet dance and to find out who made the ads," Jero said in a TV interview. 

"The entire world knows the Pendet dance belongs to Bali; so Malaysia has to get a permit from Indonesia before using it." He said Malaysia's tourism ads "Visit Malaysia Year" that used the Pendet dance were aired on the Discovery Channel. "I will also track down whose project it is and find out if it is funded by a private company or the Malaysian government," he said. 

A spokesman from the foreign ministry, Teuku Faizasyah, said his office would also clarify the case with the Malaysian government. "But it is very unlikely Malaysia wants to claim it, as the dance is very popular in Bali," he told the Post.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

PADANG  - The issue related to the sale of three islands in Mentawai District, West Sumatra, does not disturb the sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Indonesian Republic (NKRI). The statement was made by director general of Indonesian Maritime and Fishery Resources Management and Control (P2SKP), Aji Sularso, in a press conference at the West Sumatra governor’s office after a coordination meeting with West Sumatra provincial administration and Mentawai district administration officials on Thursday.
Sularso explained if there was a legal violation in the case, an investigation should be made. "But in this segment, there is no strong indication of legal violation, because in reality there is no island that has been sold," Sularso said.
Commenting on an information in the internet that three islands in Mentawai had been sold, he said it could be either true or false. It was reported earlier that three islands in Mentawai district, namely Macaroni, Siloinak, and Kandui, had been sold to a foreign party.
The islands were offered for lease through website http://www.privateislandsonline.com. of Private Islands Inc. at 550 Queen St East Suite 330 Toronto on M5A 1 V2, in Canada at the price of US$4 million for Macaroni island, US$ 1.6 million for Siloinak island, and US$8 million for Kandui island.
"The website and its address are clear so it will be easy for us to trace it and if the information is true, we can investigate it through diplomatic channels with our representative in Canada. Therefore, we want to send a letter to our foreign affairs minister to follow it up," he said.
But he said in the coordination meeting it was concluded that it was impossible for the three islands in Mentawai to be sold to a foreign party.

Apparition "Loch Ness Monster" Probably Only One Ship

Edinburgh - a mysterious figure in the Loch Ness Lake recorded a Google Earth like a giant tadpole. Those who believe know that Nessie, giant monsters which inhabit the lake. Seen from Google Earth satellite images, these figures do have features like an animal's body. Oval shape with a tail and four parts such as legs or fins. 

"This is a startling image and interesting," said Cameron McSporran, head of the Institute at the University of Nessiologi Applications Inverness. Images are considered as the report's most significant Nessie sightings since 1974 when the people who camped at the caravan park said she saw the Loch Ness scaly green creature with the head erect and elongated body. 

With the emergence of the figure depicted Google Earth, people who believe any more convinced that Nessie is not real fairy tale. The creature may Plesiosaur, a giant ancient reptiles that could swim. Plesiosaur alive since 150 million years ago, but it is thought extinct like the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. "This of course is uncertain. It should be done further research," said Adrian Shine, the Loch Ness Project. 

Legend of Nessie popular since 1933 when photos emerged long-necked monster figure. Although it later proved that the images only deception, many people who witness reported seeing a mysterious creature in the lake.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pig Vs Dog (Adu Bagong)

It is called Adu Bagong, a kind of animal fight In Indonesia,
where Pig (forrest/guinea pig) and dog (pitbull/etc.) are matched.

as an old tradition, this fight involves one pig and lots of dogs (up to 30 dogs).
The referee usually takes a 3-minute timing for one dog to bite the pig. Once he bites,
the match is over and another match begins (with a new dog). Just like that, till the last turn. 

Adu Domba Atractions West Java

Adu domba is one of typical folk arts of western Java is popular, especially among the traditional. This art is a legacy of ancestors who have survived to the present existence. 

At its core is a race of sheep agility arena show cattle, which in turn will raise the prestige of a particular livestock associations. The participants are farmers, graziers are scattered in almost all western Java, especially the garut, sumedang, bandung, majalengka and others. Sheep race event held annually with the system of competition, almost every month of this activity carried out innings in the regions. Bandung arena fights in one sheep in the valley lies Siliwangi (in addition to sports fields Sabuga ITB). 

Each event contest of sheep is always packed with spectators. This activity also has high prestige because many sunda figures are also a fan and owner, such as Kang Ibing, Etc.. 

Gifts are also not contested at random, a car or motorcycle is a familiar thing. This is not surprising because the price of a sheep race could reach tens of millions of rupiah. 

Like a boxing match, this event is also supplemented by jury assessors, referees and coaches who come dancing sheep Jaipongan every time the sheep action. Usually every game is divided into two rounds, each round consisting of ten times the collision head. Adu dexterity is also divided into classes based on the weight of sheep is different fighter. 

Event to match the sheep also frequently punctuated by the attraction of martial art, as well as traditional music. This makes a very festive activities and interesting. Unfortunately that still peomosi internal fans among the sheep, which makes the attraction of this tourism value could not attract foreign tourists and bring in foreign exchange for the region.

Geology Museum

Geology Museum was established on May 16, 1928. This museum has been renovated thanks to funding assistance from JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). After renovation, the Museum of Geology reopened and inaugurated by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Megawati Sukarnoputri on August 23, 2000. As one of the historic monuments, museums are under government protection and a national heritage. In this museum, are stored and managed geological materials are abundant, such as fossils, rocks, minerals. Such characteristics were collected during fieldwork in Indonesia since 1850. 

Museum of Geology is divided into several showrooms occupying the first and second floors. The following are the rooms that are on the second floor of the Museum of Geology and the function and contents of the room. 

Floor I 

Divided into 3 main rooms: The room is oriented at the center, the West Wing Room and the East Wing room. Orientation Room contains a geographic map of Indonesia in the form of reliefs that show the big screen geology and museum activities in the form of animation, cubicles museum information services and educational booths and research services. Meanwhile, the West Wing Room, known as the Space Geology Indonesia, which consists of several chambers that provides information about: 

* The hypothesis of the Earth in the solar system. 
* Order to form a regional tectonic geology Indonesia; diujudkan in the form of miniature model of the movement plates on the Earth's crust 
* State sumatera geology, Java, Sulawesi, Maluku and Nusa Tenggara and Irian Jaya 

Second Floor 

Divided into 3 main rooms: the western, central hall and east room 

West room (used by museum staff) 

While the central and eastern room on the second floor is used for demonstration known as the geological space for human life. 

Central space model contains the largest gold mines in the world, located in the mountains of Irian Jaya Tengan. Gransberg open mines which have reserves of about 1.186 billion tons, containing 1.02% copper, 1.19 grams gold / tonne and 3 grams silver / tonne. Combined open mines and active mines in the surrounding bawahtanah provide ore reserves of 2.5 billion tons. Former Mines Ertsberg (Ore Mountains) in the southeast of Grasberg mine closed in 1988 is a geological and mining sites that can be utilized and developed into an attractive object Geotourism. Several rock samples from Irian Jaya (Papua) and terpamer arranged in glass cabinets around the model. Miniature tower drilling oil and gas are also exhibited here. 

East Room Divided into 7 small room, all of which provide information about the positive and negative aspects of geology TATAAN for human life, especially in Indonesia. 

* Room 1 presents information about the benefits and uses of minerals or rocks for humans, as well as drawing panel mineral resource distribution in Indonesia. 
* Room 2 displays the records of exploration activities and exploitation of mineral resources 
* Room 3 contains information about the use of minerals in everyday life, both traditional and modern. 
* Room 4 shows how the processing and management of mineral and energy commodities 
* Room 5 presented information on various types of geological hazards (negative aspects) such as land longksor, letusas volcanic and so on. 
* Room 6 provides information about the positive aspects of geology deals primarily with kegunungapian symptoms. 
* Room 7 describes the water resources and their utilization, as well as environmental influences on resource sustainability.

Merdeka Building

Gedung Merdeka in the streets of Asia and Africa, Bandung, Indonesia, is a building that was once used as a Summit Asia-Africa in 1955. At this time used as a museum. 

The building was designed by Van Gallen Last and CP Wolff Schoemaker. Both are Professors at the Technische Hogeschool (Technical High School), the ITB now, two renowned Dutch architecture at the time, this building once thick with art deco feel of this magnificent building and visible from the floor made of Italian marble is polished, the rooms where a drink and relax cikenhout made of wood, while for lighting lamps used bias depends glittering crystal. This building occupies an area about 7500 m2. 

At that time this building was named Societeit Concordia used as a place of recreation by a group of Dutch people who are living in the city of Bandung and its surroundings. They were the plantation employees, officers, authorities, businessmen, and among other rich enough. On holidays, especially at night, the building was filled with them for the art show, dinner. 

During the Japanese occupation of this building is called the Dai Toa Kaman with its function as a cultural center. 

At the time of the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945 the building was used as the headquarters of the Indonesian youth to face the Japanese army at that time was reluctant to hand over power to Indonesia. 

After the Indonesian government began to take shape (1946 - 1950) is characterized by the presence of government Haminte Bandung, Sundanese State, and West Java Recomba, Concordia building used again as a public hall. used here held art performances, parties, restaurants, and other public meetings. 

With the government's decision Republic of Indonesia (1954) which established the city of Bandung as the Asian-African Conference, the Concordia Building was chosen as the conference. At that time Concordia Building was the building where the meeting is the largest and most luxurious in the city of Bandung. And its location was very strategic in the middle of the city of Bandung as well and close to the best hotels in this city, the Hotel Savoy Homann and Hotel Preanger.


Sate Building

Gedung Sate, with ornaments typical of the skewer on the central tower, has long been a marker or landmark of Bandung is not only known to the public in West Java, Indonesia but also the entire building was even used as a model tourist Indonesia sign for several buildings and signs tourist signs in West Java. For example forms the front of the building Railway Station Tasikmalaya. Built in 1920, this white building is still standing strong but graceful and now serves as the central building of government of West Java and also can be used as a reference Indonesian resort. 

Gedung Sate which at the time was called the Dutch East Indies Gouvernements Bedrijven (GB), laying the first stone by Johanna Catherina Coops, eldest daughter of the Mayor of Bandung, B. Coops and Petronella Roelofsen, representing the Governor-General in Batavia, JP Graaf van Limburg Stirum on July 27, 1920, Gedung Sate Bandung is the result of a planning team consisting of Ir.J.Gerber, a young architect famous graduates of Engineering Faculty of Delft Netherlands, Ir. Er. De Roo and Ir. G. Hendriks and van Gemeente Bandoeng party, headed by Col. Pur. VL. Slors involving 2000 workers, 150 people including sculptors, or expert bongpay tombstone carver and wood engraver nationals from China Konghu or Canton, assisted by masons, coolies stir and servers from Sekeloa Village residents, small hole Dago Village, Village Gandok and Village Cibarengkok, which they previously worked Gedong shingles (Kampus ITB) and Gedong transvestite (Bandung City Hall). 

Gedung Sate in history, during the period of 4 years in September 1924 successfully completed the main construction Bedrijven Gouverments main building, including the headquarters of the PTT (Postal, Telephone and Telegraph and the Library. 

Architecture Gedung Sate is the work of architect Ir. J. Gerber and his group are not separated from the input maestro Dr.Hendrik Dutch architect Peter, who faces bernuansakan traditional architecture characterized by tourism Indonesia Archipelago. 

Many architects and experts said Gedung Sate building is one of Bandung sights monumental building that has an elegant charm with a unique architectural style leads to a form of architectural style of Indo-European (Indo Europeeschen architectuur Stijl), which is not impossible if the elegance of the resorts Temple Borobudur Satay House joined the coloring.

Microsoft, Yahoo, Amazon to fight Google book deal

The Associated Press , San Francisco, US

Three of Google's largest rivals are joining a coalition to oppose a legal settlement that would give the Internet search leader digital rights to millions of copyrighted books.

Microsoft, Yahoo and Amazon.com are all part of a group being called the Open Book Alliance. It's being put together by the Internet Archive, a longtime critic of Google's digital book crusade.

Peter Brantley, an Internet Archive executive, disclosed the plans to forge the alliance in a Thursday interview.

Google contends its rivals' objections are rooted in a fear of more competition in the digital book market.

The class-action settlement that would expand Google's digital library is scheduled to be reviewed in an Oct. 7 court hearing.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Enchantment of Bandung from the Top Elevation

See the sights of a city from the hills and mountains are always promising charm. Bandung one of them. The town has a landscape caldera (crater large) rest of the Sunda Mountain is one area which presents a beautiful sight when seen from the heights. 

"Bandung dilingkung gunung." The phrase seemed familiar, especially for Tatar Parahyangan  community. The phrase describes the condition of the Bandung basin surrounded by mountains. For example in the North there is Tangkuban Parahu, Burangrang Tunggul Hill, in the South there is Patuha, Malabar, in the East there is Manglayang, and on the limestone hills of the West there Padalarang - Rajamandala. In such conditions the city's development is like a glimpse inside a giant bowl. 

Many locations can we choose if you want to enjoy the view of Bandung from the top level. Some places I could take pictures. Bojong koneng first is located in Upper East region Bandung, as shown in the picture above. The place is not far from this powder magazine can be taken through the access in from Jl. Cikutra. 

The second location is Punclut. The place is always crowded on weekends by people who intend to hike this could be your choice to enjoy the charm of the city of Bandung. The picture above I took in the Punclut region, namely the direction of Lembang. To reach these locations you can use the access in from Jl. Ciumbuleuit. 

The third location is Mekarwangi. Being an alternative route Bandung - Lembang, Mekarwangi I think is one of the promising view of Bandung city is best if viewed from above ketingggian. One other advantage of this location is the cool weather and beautiful scenery around it consisting of valleys and hills. To access this area you can go through the route Jl. Dago - Hydropower crooked - Buniwangi - Mekarwangi. Or just in from the direction of Lembang - Mekarwangi. 

In addition to these three places would still be a lot more places to choose from, and perhaps promising more beautiful charm. Formerly, Dago Teahouse or now called the West Java Cultural Park became one of the most strategic places in my opinion if you want to see the sights the city of Bandung. Unfortunately it's been a lot of tall buildings around it, so the scenery is not as interesting as first presented. 

See Parisj van Java from the heights not only provide the charm of beauty, but also the scene of a crowded city. When seen at night, Bandung Basin is now increasingly filled with lights glare of the inhabitants. Maybe Juliaen Da Silva, the first stranger who wandered into the area in Bandung in 1640-an era of ever writing about the atmosphere Bandong (Bandung - red) never thought about the area he had seen only consists of 25 to 30 houses have been turned into a city solid.

Mount Malabar

Mount Malabar formed by volcanic activity when the formation Plistosen initial (5 million years ago). Along with other volcanoes that make up the rows of volcanoes such as Mount Kamojang-Guntur, Cikuray mountain, Wayang mountain, mountain Malabar, Papandayan mountain, and mountain Patuha. 

Like the mountains in Java, Malabar was formerly a mountain shrine with Hindu statues. Not surprisingly, the Malabar name comes from the name of the Malabar coast in India. Hindu tradition and culture are very strong first in the West Java region, such as puppet tradition remains to this day. 

To go to the mountains of Malabar Bandung majors to take Banjaran, across the mountain road overlooking the rice paddies rise, about 5 km turn left into the area camping grounds. 
Camping grounds located near the tea plantation. Very good for a leisurely stroll to a waterfall, or do a more serious way of climbing a mountain Malabar. 

Width of the fault formed during the eruption of a huge primeval. In the era of Dutch colonial rule at this location was established Malabar radio transmitter. For communication between the government of Java with the central government in the Netherlands, a distance of 12,000 km. On 5 May 1923 Malabar Radio broadcasts with a very large force of 1800 KWatt. This radio transmitter in suplay by hydroelectric Lamajan.

I'm Glad to See You Happy

"One time, someone, for some and another thing for help to you. Your opinion is the right person and expected to overcome the problems he faces. He has tried to the others, but his efforts remained fruitless. Various reasons have been heard . The point is they can not help. 

Once the person comes to you, what would you do or say to him?. 

Some possibilities that you will do or say is as follows: 
1. Sorry, I really wanted to (very) helpful, but I also was difficult. 
2. Sorry, for now I can not help you. 
3. Sorry, I can not help you, try to something else. 
4. Sorry, I do not have the authority and not the decision makers. 
5. Or, ...., some other reason. 

But ...., 
1. Have you ever sempatkan thought for a moment, looking for a way to get people who come are, his arrival was not in vain?. 
2. Are there any thoughts come to you if the situation is reversed, where at some point this person is you, your family or one of your brother?. 
3. Maybe with all the existing capabilities, you will immediately help. With sincere course. 
4. And some other considerations. 

Indeed, would not you know the meaning of a happiness?, And not you ever feel happy?, How it feels and what sensations you feel while you get happiness is? 

Is it possible to describe with words?, Is not it?. 

Therefore, try as much as possible to help, to overcome the problem (which is), so in the end always be able to say a sentence "I'm Glad to See You Happy" 

Indeed, opportunity (the same) it only comes once, so do not be wasted. With all that we have, whether it be wealth, rank, position, and position, is a charity which fields should be in power use as well as possible. 

If you are very glad when have a bliss, as well, the same thing will be felt by your brothers, or others (who came) it. 

Try to continue to always share the sensation of happiness, and love to see other people happy (especially since you can and have the power to do so). 

So, never forget, and never waste an opportunity to be able to help and alleviate the burdens of others. 

While you have the time and opportunity to do 'something' is the best and be happy someone else, then catch the opportunity. 

With a clean heart, sincere and honest, and accompanied by a sweet smile, so taste sensation (extraordinary) while you say "I'm Glad to See You Happy"