Friday, August 21, 2009

Tanjung Lesung Beach

TANJUNG Lesung like a beautiful virgin preferred start, after styled with tidy. Shopping is located in a small peninsula in the southern tier west coast area of the Sunda this be easy after the exit to the location of this fixed. 

THREE bus Djawatan Motor Transport of the Republic of Indonesia (DAMRI) from Serang Tanjung Lesung provided to the Government of Banten province, since mid-June 2003, to facilitate the public holiday to tour the place. 

Located in the Village of Tanjung Jaya, Kecamatan Panimbang, Pandeglang regency, Banten province, an integrated tourism area Tanjung Lesung can be in the time between 2.5 hours to 3 hours from Jakarta Toll Road through the Jakarta-Merak with a distance around 160 kilometers. 

Kompas at the direction of the road to Tanjung Lesung, on the first weekend in July, the traffic to the place relatively smoothly and the tour mulus. Take a compass Street Jakarta-Merak Toll Road, and exit at Serang Timur Toll gate, and continue to travel through the City of Serang, entrance road to the City of Pandeglang and Labuan, until finally the area of Tanjung Lesung tour. 

This is the first alternative to the Tanjung Lesung. There are two alternative, via Jalan Tol Jakarta-Merak, exit at Cilegon Toll gate, and the coastal Anyer-Carita, Labuan and proceed to the entrance Tanjung Lesung. Meanwhile, for those who come from Bogor, the location of this tour can go through Rangkasbitung, Pandeglang, Labuan. For those who came from the sea, can ship from the Port of Tanjung Priok in North Jakarta to the west, the west coast of Java island in the Sunda edge. 

Road to Tanjung Lesung previously perforated still damaged and, since 2003 has started smooth, so the more easier for tourists archipelago and foreign tourists come to this beautiful place nan. 

Previous complaints have access to Tanjung Lesung hampered because the three bridges damaged. The bridge is a bridge crossing in Labuan Citeureup the cross-Cibungur River, the bridge across the River Ciliman in District Panimbang, and bridges on the River Ciheru. The three bridges that originally could only be passed by a vehicle so that the comfort of travel. 

"However, since 2003, this access to Tanjung Lesung more easily and quickly after the third bridge was repaired and paved roads smooth," said Director of PT Banten West Java (BWJ) Tourism Development Corporation (TDC) to Purnomo S Prasetyo Kompas, in Tanjung Lesung . 

In addition, said Purnomo, the more access communications dipermudah in mid-June after the 2003 fiber-optic network into the area of Tanjung Lesung. Internet access is more easily done 

PEOPLE the first time to the Tanjung Lesung and private vehicle use, unnecessary confusion. If you take the exit gate Toll Serang East, follow directions to Pandeglang-Labuan-Tanjung Lesung. 

If you want to stay at Tanjung Lesung, should make a reservation first. Tourism in the area of Tanjung Lesung 1500 hectares, the newly awakened about 200 hectares, consists of a beach resort hotel (Tanjung Lesung Beach Club / TLBC) and club display (Tanjung Lesung Sailing Club / TLSC) the following facilities and road infrastructure. 

Price depends on the amount of rent a cottage there in the room cottage, the price of Rp 1.3 million (one room for two people) and Rp 4.6 million (four rooms for seven people) per night.

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