Friday, August 21, 2009

Ujung Genteng

Genteng end of the beach is a coastal area south of West Java which is located in the village of Stone Mountain, Ciracap District, Sukabumi Regency with the distance about 220 kilometers from the capital Jakarta, or 230 km from Bandung. Tempuhnya time about six or seven hours drive by car. Besides mulus is the road, there are several alternative routes and public transportation facilities adequate to the purpose. 

Pantai Ujung Genteng have characteristics generally south coast of Java island famous for clean water and a large ombaknya. Nevertheless, the beach is much different when compared with the Pelabuhan Ratu beach that is famous and is often prone to pluck the soul of the victim as a violent ombaknya. Ujung Genteng Although the beach facing the Indian Ocean to the free, but ombaknya not jeopardize a great traveler who love playing in the sea. Waves of the ocean from the first broken berserak because stunted group of sea coral beach in front of the mouth, so that we can enjoy the beach with a beautiful, safe, and comfortable. Children can swim in the sea and sepuasnya allows a set of fish looked gorgeous in between the coral reef, indicates how natural environment Ujung Genteng. 

 In Ujung Genteng alone there are many interesting places, such as direct view green turtle (Chelonia Mydas) Pangumbahan on the beach. There is also the location where you can surf on the waves that are quite challenging as the famous "seven waves." This location is a favorite area for foreign tourists to sports surfing. Waves according to a seven ombaknya because people are always in sequence of seven waves, and big-big. For who like fishing, in Ujung Genteng is a match where its fish vary quite a lot and.

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